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Dr. Natalie Muth
Dec 5, 20199 min read
A Roadmap for Raising Healthy Eaters
As a pediatrician and nutritionist, many parents come to me frustrated that their kids won’t eat vegetables. They’ve tried everything....

Dr. Natalie Muth
Nov 25, 20194 min read
Starting and Advancing Solids: A 10-Step How-to Guide for Parents
For many parents, one of the most highly anticipated events of baby’s first year is starting solid foods. But once the time gets close,...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Nov 11, 20194 min read
Top 5 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
As a pediatrician I always love when I have “prenatal meet and greet” appointments with expecting parents on my schedule. Lately, there...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Oct 2, 20193 min read
Routines to Boost Kids' Health
Do you wish your baby would just sleep through the night, already? Or that your kids would just eat their vegetables, without the fuss....

Dr. Natalie Muth
Sep 23, 20191 min read
Flip Phones Rule
A study came out today looking at the impact of screen time on kids' academic performance. While it showed varying effects for different...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Sep 18, 20191 min read
New Drink Recs for Kids 0-5
I had the opportunity to serve on a panel on behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop drink recommendations for children...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Sep 12, 20191 min read
Nutrition Rules to Live By
I teach UCLA undergraduates an introductory nutrition class. My favorite assignment that my students complete and that I love to ‘grade’...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Aug 28, 20191 min read
7 Minute Workout
It doesn't take a lot of physical activity to get fit and be healthy. In fact, a study showed that investing just a few minutes required...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Aug 19, 20191 min read
Back to School Tips for a Healthy, Sane Family
It's back to school day at my house. I thought I'd share some back to school tips for a healthy,sane family in this nifty infographic of...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Aug 14, 20192 min read
Your Family's Best Life
I know that kids succeed when they are a member of a strong family. Families are what grounds us. And families are what help us succeed.

Dr. Natalie Muth
Apr 11, 20182 min read
In the News: Toddler Drinks – Growing in Popularity, Contribute to Toddler Obesity and Picky Eating
Toddler drinks have been in the news a lot lately, prompting parents to ask me what I think of them. Toddler drinks include formulas,...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Jan 22, 20181 min read
Nutrition for Brain Development
While you might not typically put chopped or blended unsalted boiled canned oysters on the list of infant and toddler foods, maybe you...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Jan 11, 20183 min read
Do Vegetables and Fruits Have to Be Fresh to Get the Nutritional Benefit?
We always hear that one of the best ways to take care of our health is to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. But what if you...

Dr. Natalie Muth
Jan 8, 20183 min read
What's So Great About Fruits and Vegetables Anyway?
Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are good for us. But why? What follows are a few talking points to help answer that question....

Dr. Natalie Muth
Dec 31, 20171 min read
A Healthier, More Fit Family in 2018
As we get ready to turn the page to another New Year, my family has been working on our goals for the year -- family goals, fitness,...
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