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A Healthier, More Fit Family in 2018

As we get ready to turn the page to another New Year, my family has been working on our goals for the year -- family goals, fitness, professional, and personal growth. One of my goals that crosses all of these domains was to finally launch a blog on my website to help collect tips, tools, resources, and cutting edge information to help raise healthier, more fit families.

Whether you check out my blog to help your own family or if you are a health or fitness professional who works to help other families achieve fitness and health goals, I hope that you will find that this page to be a useful resource. Speaking of goals, what makes a good one?

SMART goals -- specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound are much more likely to be achieved than vague, poorly formed ones. Ask yourself: what do you want to achieve? Why is this important to you? How will you know when you achieved your goal? What is a reasonable time frame? A classic example - and one my family worked on in 2017 - was to increase our fitness by training for and participating in a local race. SMART goal - we will all complete the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.

Then once you know what your goal is, time to set up your action plan. Choose 3 actions that you will do on a regular basis that will get you to your goal. This action plan is your training plan.

Sounds simple, and it is. And it really works. What goals do you have for 2018? How will you achieve them?


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